Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Friend 1: In this assignment, I group international students in three categories
Friend 2: What are they?
Friend 1: Homesick, Partygoers and Nerd
Friend 2: The Nerd group sounds interesting
Friend 1: Yes, they stay in front of computer or books and change their glasses every six months
Friend 2: Any example?
Friend 1: Him *pointing me*
Me: Wait, I'm not nerd. I change my glasses every year
Friend 1&2: Errr...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Migrant.. Wait, What?

Friend: I have to go home soon. I think I have migrant
Me: You want to move back to your home country?
Friend: No, my head aches a lot, but only the right part
Me: You have migraine
Friend: Yeah, migraine, you're right
Me: Errr...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Lost In Translation

Me: So, my friend's abang brought him to hospital
Friend: Wait, wait, wait. What is abang?
Me: That means older brother. And kakak mean older sister
Friend: Wow, I don't know that. I usually use the word 'ngko' for older brother and 'nci' for older sister
Me: Errr... (what a Chinese Jakartan)

3D Feature

Friend: You know what, I have downloaded a new application for my phone
Me: Really? What does it do?
Friend: I can create a 3D photo, you know
Me: Wow. Can you show me.
Friend: Sure. It'll be like this

Me: Errr... It's called panorama, dude.

Money Money Money

Me: When are you going to marry your girlfriend?
Friend: Well, wrong question. Ask me when my account hits 10 digits. That't the time I marry her.
Me: Ouch.
Friend: Wanna help me?
Me: Rp. 1000, enough?
Friend: How about 30% of it?
Me: Give me 50% interest. Deal?
Friend: Errr...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

This Year's Resolution

Friend: Help me finish the cigarette
Me: Thanks. What's wrong?
Friend: I quit smoking. That's my this year's resolution
Me: Wow. That's a good resolution
Friend: Yes. I've smoked enough for this year
Me: Congrats!
Friend: I'll probably start smoking next year
Me: Errr...

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Should I Go?

Friend: I was invited by a friend to his wedding. Should I go?
Me: Why not?
Friend: I don't like his way of inviting me. It seems improper. Should I go or not?
Me: How improper?
Friend: It's just simply a broadcast in BBM. I'm wondering if he really wants to invite me
Me: Hmmm...
Friend: Go or not? Go or not? Go or not?
Me: Well, it depends on...
Friend: I decided not going!
Me: Errr...

Monday, November 7, 2011


Friend 1: Whew, I finally fix up the stuck toilet
Me: Yeah. You are like Mario
Friend 2: Wait, what is the relation to Mario?
Me: Mario is a plumber
Friend 2: Hah? Is Mario a plumber? I thought he is a racer
Me: Errr...

What A Simple Answer

Friend : Do you know any classical songs?
Me : No
Friend : What a very simple answer
Me : Errr...

Friend : I have just fallen from the stairs
Me : So?
Friend : What a very simple answer
Me : Errr...

Friend : Let's ride the roller coaster
Me : Okay
Friend : What a very simple answer
Me : Errr...

Beautiful People

Friend (♀): I don't understand why people say beautiful people are dumb
Me : Maybe it's because they are already beautiful
Friend (♀): And then what?
Me : Just to give a chance for ugly people to have something they can be proud of
Friend (♀): I still don't get the point
Me : By the way, you are beautiful
Friend (♀): Errr...