Monday, June 20, 2011


Friend : Jo, I have a question to ask, but first you have to promise that you'll answer it honestly
Me : Okay, I promise
Friend : Really?
Me : Yeah, I do promise to answer your question honestly from the bottom of my heart. What's the question?
Friend : Do you want to be my boyfriend?
Me : No, thanks
Friend : Ohhh... you are so cruel
Me : Errr...


YoPs said...

:o ow..ow..ow... baru ditembak orang, Jo?

Jack Chandra said...

haiz... tak lah.. udah lama itu....waktu masih beken dulu....

Unknown said...

oh, pernah beken jo? kapan?? wakakakakk

Jack Chandra said...

Wah, pernah sekali pun... waktu masih muda dulu... kamu belum lahir waktu itu....

Elva said...
